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Welcome to Greg Gibson’s lab website. We’re located on the second floor of the Krone Engineered Biosystems Building of the School of Biology at Georgia Tech in Midtown Atlanta. Our systems biology neighborhood includes population geneticists, molecular evolutionists, bioinformaticians, and mathematical biologists, and we provide a quantitative genetics angle. Specifically, we’re interested in how transcriptome profiling can be used to understand more about the genetic basis of complex traits and disease susceptibility. We’re also thinking about how genetic and environmental interactions have evolved to canalize traits, and we are moving in the direction of big data analytics for personalized medicine. My lab runs on a couple of NIH grants and other pockets of funding. Please explore this site to find out more about the three major research thrusts of the group, the people in it, our recent publications (and supplementary materials), some software, and to link to my monthly blog “Genome’s Take”.
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