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TRAINING GRANT in Computational Biology and Biomedical Genomics:

In 2014 we received a five year T32 Training Grant from the NIH to establish a Computational Biology and Biomedical Genomics training program at Georgia Tech. The goal of our program is to provide training for a broad-based set of students with expertise in computational biology and predictive health, which encompasses research from integrative genomics to medical informatics. We support 4 students per year, drawn from students in the Bioinformatics program, Schools of Biology, Biomedical Engineering, Computer Science, Industrial Systems Engineering, and others.

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This course is offered in the Fall semester each year for upper level undergraduates and new graduate students.  It is based on this new text book I wrote in 2014, published by Sinauer Associates.  The idea is to survey contemporary genome-based human genetics, starting with the theory of complex trait genetics, normal variation, and human evolution; moving to the technologies of GWAS, whole genome sequencing, transcriptomics, and integrative genomics; and then discussing recent developments in six domains of disease: immune, metabolic, cardiovascular, cancer, neuro-psychiatric, and ageing.  We review current literature in mock poster sessions, with an emphasis is on conceptual understanding.


This is something of an experimental course offered in the Spring semester each year for undergraduates only. It is built around extensive class discussions on topics related to personalized medicine, as well as the development of small group capstone projects during the semester. We cover the genetic basis of predictive health, place wellbeing in the broad context of trends such as quantified self, income disparities, social media, and global philanthropy, while discussing the biology of eating, drinking, exercise and happiness.

To view capstone projects from previous semesters, click here.

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